Graphic Design Intern
Art Direction: Nicole Whitney
My internship at the stir-fry chain restaurant Honeygrow was a great opportunity for me to learn about design on a professional level. Working as a team forced me to be a more concise and organized designer since a ton of people were counting on me and I was always working on a strict deadline. I even got into the practice of labeling my layers.
As the only person on the marketing team with animation experience, I was tasked with creating all the animations for social media and the in-store kiosk. Through this process, I became a much more competent and confident animator. It was always a special treat seeing my designs come to life when I walked into one of the stores.
Social Media Ads
Kiosk Animations
Photo Editing
Font Rebrand
Honeygrow was looking to rebrand their typography since their current font Omnes was too playful and childish for their image. They wanted a font that would be more elegant yet still approachable. I came up with many different options for the new font and ended up choosing Brandon Grotesque. In order to make it the official typeface I created a font analysis where I compared Brandon Grotesque to Omnes on several different branded advertisements. The CEO of the company Justin Rosenberg liked my pitch and made Brandon Grotesque the official font for Honeygrow having it show up on in-store signage, advertisements, social media, and their website.
Old Typeface
New Typeface